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The NDIS has released a new Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant round on 15 February 2019 to boost economic participation for people with disability.
The Federal Government has opened applications for grants totaling $19.9 million for organisations that help smooth the way for Australians with disability into work.
IRG Meeting: Thursday 9 December, 2019 Markets Update – In Brief The Annual Price Review has commenced, including the release of the Issues Paper and Terms of Reference. Submissions are open until 2 February 2020. The SDA Reference Group met and discussed SDA flexibility. The NDIA has established a Robust SDA Working Group to improve provision of robust design and interplay with practice approaches. Assistive Technology The NDIA gave an overview of a policy being developed to facilitate flexible Assistive Technology (AT) supports. The aim of this policy is to enable participants to continue to access AT supports in a...