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The NDIA takes all matters relating to participants experiences with the NDIS seriously. The NDIA is considering the Victorian Office of the Public Advocate's report in detail, and working to ensure the recommendations appropriately addressed, noting a number of these recommendations are being addressed through existing and ongoing work being undertaken by the Agency. The NDIA appreciates the important work the OPA does with and on behalf of participants, and welcomes evidence based insights and reviews. This feedback helps the NDIA deliver a better a service to participants.
The Australian Government established the NDIS Fraud Taskforce in July 2018 to tackle serious fraud against the NDIS. The Taskforce has already identified a small number of providers who may be seeking to exploit the NDIS.
During September some NDIS Participants may be contacted to participate in a survey about their NDIS experience during access, pre-planning, planning or plan review.