New home and living 'Would we fund it' examples

We are continuing to improve information about home and living supports available on our website.

Today we have published new ‘Would we fund it’ examples about home and living to better explain what home and living supports the NDIS might fund to support participants with their home and living goals. 

The new examples clarify the Agency’s position on commonly requested Home and Living supports:

  • 2:1 ratio of supports
  • 2 bedroom SDA for a participant living alone
  • funding to support a participant to live alone 
  • home and living supports for a  participant with a degenerative condition.

The purpose of the ‘Would we fund it’ guides is to provide real life examples of how we make decisions to fund different kinds of supports. 

These are examples only and are not the only situations where this type of funding would be approved. 

We will continue to add other ‘Would we fund it’ examples about home and living supports.