Almost 120,000 Australians now benefitting from the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now benefitting almost 120,000 Australians as the life-changing reform continues to roll out across the country.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)’s most recent NDIS Quarterly Report for the period 1 July to 30 September 2017, shows the number of people receiving support at

30 September 2017 has reached 119,501.

This solid progress includes 112,785 people with an approved NDIS plan and 6,716 children referred through the NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach, which is available to children aged six years or under who have a disability or developmental delay.

NDIA Chief Executive Office, Robert De Luca, said the report demonstrated the NDIS was making good progress as it rolls out nationally.

“The NDIS is now delivering support to almost 120,000 Australians and is making steady progress in delivering this significant national reform,” Mr De Luca said.

Highlights of the report include

  • 112,785 participants in total had received an approved NDIS plan as at 30 September 2017
  • 22,151 participants received an approved NDIS plan in the quarter, higher than the average per quarter in 2016-17 which was 15,088
  • 6,716 children had been referred through the ECEI approach by the end of the quarter
  • 84 per cent of surveyed participants in the quarter rated their experience either good or very good. The overall average satisfaction rating since the Scheme began is 91 per cent
  • 10,507 service providers have been approved to deliver supports to NDIS participants.

New survey data included in the report also shows the NDIS is supporting participants achieve their goals and increase their participation in the community.

The Outcomes Framework collects information on participants and their families and carers when participants enter the Scheme and when their plans are reviewed. Of the participants aged 25 years and older who entered the Scheme in the first quarter of 2016-17 and had their plan reviewed in the first quarter of 2017-18:

  • 75 per cent indicated that the NDIS had helped them with activities of daily living
  • 71 per cent indicated that the NDIS had helped them with choice and control
  • 63 per cent indicated that the NDIS had helped them with social, community and civic participation.

“These results demonstrate the NDIS is supporting Australians with disability to participate in the community, increase their independence and exercise greater choice and control,” Mr De Luca said.

While the national rollout of the NDIS is on track, with the Scheme expected to be available to all eligible people across Australia (with the exception of WA) by July 2019, the NDIA reiterates its commitment to getting the balance right between participant intake, the quality of plans and the sustainability of the Scheme.

Solid progress continues to be made against the original participant intake schedule, which the Productivity Commission recently acknowledged was highly ambitious.

Overall participant enrolment for the September quarter 2017 is 87 per cent of the original bilateral estimate for the quarter and is tracking at 84 per cent overall. These figures are consistent with the experience during the three-year NDIS trial period and subsequent quarterly results since the commencement of the national rollout on 1 July 2016.

The Productivity Commission also recently confirmed NDIS costs are broadly on track and

$22 billion a year at full Scheme remains the best estimate of the longer-term cost of the NDIS.

The NDIA is closely monitoring any early indicators of cost pressures within the Scheme and taking measures to address these pressures. The NDIA’s evidence-based monitoring allows pressures on the Scheme to be identified early and management responses put in place to respond.

While the report shows that 84 per cent of surveyed participants in the quarter rated their experience either good or very good, the NDIA acknowledges the need to continually improve and has recently announced a new NDIS pathway to significantly improve the experience people and providers have with the NDIS.

Details of the initial pilot of the new NDIS pathway are available on the NDIS website.

For more information on when the NDIS will be available in new areas, and how people with disability, their families and carers, providers and the community can get NDIS Ready, visit the NDIS website.


NDIS state and territory participants with approved plans at the end of September 2017.










Participants with approved plan







