The current bushfire situation across the country is impacting a number of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, their families, carers and providers.
Detailed information for participants and providers affected by bushfires is available on the NDIS and disaster response page. This page includes Easy Read resources and answers to frequently asked questions.
Emergency support
Your local emergency services are your first responders during this period.
Emergency services will issue warnings when an emergency is likely to impact your area.
Your state and territory emergency services will provide you with information on what is happening and our best advice on what you should do.
The NDIA is able to support participants once people are out of immediate danger. Our Contact Centre 1800 800 110 has been provided information and advice on how to escalate any enquiries around a participant impacted by bushfires.
It is important you regularly check on local weather, air quality and fire conditions. Find further information below: