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Minister for Social Services, the Hon Dan Tehan today announced the establishment of a new NDIS Fraud Taskforce to tackle potential and alleged fraud against the NDIS.
Participants may be contacted to participate in a NDIA survey between July and September 2018. The NDIA will use survey results to help identify the types of supports that lead to good outcomes for participants and to improve the NDIS. This survey will be conducted by Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) on behalf of the NDIA and will take about 30 minutes to complete. Participants selected to take part in the survey will receive a phone call, SMS or email from the NDIA, their Local Area Coordinator or the AHA before being asked to take part in the survey. Parents will...
The Autism Advisory Group (AAG) met on 6 July 2018. Members committed to working in partnership and to developing a trust-based and collaborative relationship within the group and with the sector more broadly. In that spirit, it was agreed that improving life outcomes for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (both participants and non-participants) should be the Group's core guiding principle. Against that background, the first AAG meeting was positive with all members sharing their perspectives and moving to a shared and agreed understanding of the key issues and priorities. Four key priorities were collaboratively developed by the AAG. What...
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is growing to make sure we are in a position to deliver a quality National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people with disability into the future. The NDIA is a national organisation, and will continue to have local senior leadership in all states and territories, including the Northern Territory. The NDIS is expected to support more than 6,500 people in the Northern Territory and about 460,000 people nationally when it is fully implemented in 2020. The Scheme is also expected to boost the Northern Territory economy by $160 million, and create up to 1,325...
The workforce delivering frontline National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) services has increased by 10.5 per cent, creating new jobs and providing improved support to Australians with disability. More than 2,300 jobs have been created to deliver the NDIS in local communities across Australia. Social Services Minister Dan Tehan said the NDIS Partners in the Community (PITC) program was creating jobs within experienced and qualified organisations in local communities that were delivering essential services.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) explained, what are SDA service agreements, and more NDIS housing related supports.