IRG Meeting: Thursday 3 September, 2020

IRG Meeting: Thursday 3 September, 2020

Membership Update

The IRG welcomed Leanne Pearman, Independent Advisory Council (IAC) member, Dr Leanne Beagley, CEO, Mental Health Australia, and Stephen Broadfoot, Branch Manager, Provider Engagement to the group.

NDIS Update

Gerrie Mitra (NDIA) provided updates on current market activities. These included the new 2020-2021 Price Guide and the 1 July 2020 introduction of the change to group support pricing arrangements, while allowing time for providers to adapt to the new structure. Gerrie also noted the release of the Support Coordination Discussion Paper and the release of the Supported Independent Living Price Controls Issues Paper for feedback.

The NDIA additionally gave an overview of the measures it has taken to support the Scheme in response to COVID-19, including introducing direct claiming for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), new worker mobility initiative, and participant check-ins for Victorian participants.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) Update

Matt Bulger (NDIA) provided an update on SIL. The NDIA has recently published a new Provider SIL Pack to help providers in developing Rosters of Care. Additionally, the NDIA is currently undertaking a review of SIL Price Controls, and working to make the SIL Operational Guidelines easier to understand. Members stressed the importance of ensuring participants genuinely understand and are providing input into their roster of care.

Support Coordination Discussion Paper

Steve Maillet (NDIA) outlined and sought feedback on the Support Coordination Discussion Paper. Members stressed the importance of ensuring that participants and providers had clear service agreements, consideration of the role of Support Coordination, and clear outlines of what services Support Coordinators are expected to deliver to participants.

Other business

Members proposed Independent Assessments and Independent Living Options discussions as priority items for next meeting.