Provider quarterly report - school leaver employment  

The Provider quarterly report - School leaver employment represents data submitted to the NDIA by school leaver employment support providers. 

Providers use the school leaver reporting tool to capture and submit data to the NDIA about the participants they are supporting, the time they spend working on milestones toward employment and the outcomes they achieve. 

Read the key highlights and insights in the summary and full reports below:

To view archived reports visit Archived provider quarterly report school leaver employment.

Outcomes by provider

The Agency publishes the final outcomes reported by providers of employment support for school leavers.  The publication of these results highlights the intention of the funding in participant NDIS plans and to enable participants to consider performance when selecting a provider. 

Participants can use this information in discussions with providers about what they offer, how they tailor supports to help participants achieve their employment goals and how their results compare to those in the published report.  

Lists of “Outcomes by provider” will be released on a 6 monthly basis showing the final outcomes for participants assisted by individual providers over the preceding 12 months.

To provide feedback recommendations on improving employment outcome reporting email [email protected].

Provider reporting tool

The Outcome reports are compiled by aggregating the information that providers submit to the Agency at the end of each quarter. 

The Provider reporting tool is regularly updated with the latest update released on 16 December 2024. The revised tool applies for the reporting period 1 October to 31 December 2024. The link below gives access to the updated reporting tool.

Download the Provider reporting tool and instructions (XLSX 619KB).

Transferring data to the new tool

Download the Instructions to transfer quarterly reporting tool data (DOCX 159KB) to the new tool.

Good practice

Providers interested in delivering employment assistance should review the following resources:

This page current as of
16 December 2024
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