The NDIA has developed a Digital Partnership Program (DPP), which will manage controlled and secure access to some of the NDIA’s data and systems.
Access will be managed via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
These APIs are being created so providers and software developers can create new tools, apps and digital marketplaces to improve how participants, providers and the NDIA all connect and work together.
To understand how this program could best succeed, the NDIA has released a discussion paper to ask for your feedback.
APIs now available for registered providers
We have already developed some APIs that provide the similar functionality as the myplace provider portal.
Registered providers can start using these APIs to connect their own systems and automate processes.
To access the current APIs, visit the Connecting with NDIA systems page.
We encourage registered providers to apply for access and provide feedback on the current APIs as well as give any additional feedback via the DPP discussion paper.