Improvements to Home and Living supports

Our vision is for participants to have an ordinary life at home, where they feel a sense of belonging, safety and security. 

We are co-designing with people with disability a long-term home and living policy that will inform the way participants are supported to pursue their home and living goals.

We want participants to have more choice and control over where they live, who they live with, and the supports they use. 

Realising our vision for home and living is going to take time.

As we work towards our vision, we know we need to keep improving how we currently deliver home and living supports.

We are committed to working in collaboration with people with disability, the Independent Advisory Council, the Home and Living Policy steering committee, providers, and the Disability Representative and Carers Organisations to make short, medium and long-term improvements to home and living.

Our short and medium term improvements begin to address some of the immediate challenges participants and providers have raised:

We will tell you when we start making these improvements and update this page regularly.

Latest SIL initiatives information sessions

We are currently running a series of virtual information sessions on the new initiatives and what they mean for SIL providers.

This is an opportunity to preview these changes before they are implemented.

To register your interest in attending an information session, please visit the latest events page .

This page current as of
13 January 2023
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