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If you are a self-manager, you must keep records of how you spend your NDIS funds.
Records can show that you've spent your funding in line with the supports in your plan and made the correct claims.
Video: Keeping good records
In this video, we help you understand what records are, why they are important and easy ways that you can keep track of them to meet your responsibilities as a self-manager.
Participants Stoly, Melana, parents of participants Taryn and Stuart share their record keeping tips.
Watch Self-management video: Keeping good records.
Records can include payroll summaries, service agreements, payslips, invoices, receipts or bank statements. You should keep records for a minimum of 5 years.
It’s important to keep your records organised. You can keep a hard copy or digital versions of your records.
We recommend that you also upload a copy of your records to the portal or app as you make claims.
Payment records must include:
- the provider’s name
- the provider’s ABN
- the support start and end date
- a short description of the support provided
- the amount of support provided (hours or quantity)
- the support price (per hour or unit)
- the total amount paid.
If you employ your own staff, you must keep up to date payroll records with the dates and hours your staff work and the amount you pay them.
You’ll also need to keep records of tax, superannuation and insurance payments.
Payment reviews
Our compliance and payment teams sometimes do reviews to make sure self-managed funds are being spent in line with your plan.
We’ll contact you by letter or email if we’re going to review your payments.
By keeping records and spending your funding on NDIS supports and in line with the supports in your plan, you’ll be able to respond appropriately to any review.
We can ask you at any time to provide evidence of a payment that matches any of your claims.
We might contact you as part of a random review, or because we’ve noticed unusual claims against your plan. We might review only one payment, or review all your claims against your current or previous plans.
When this happens, we’ll talk to you about:
- why we’re reviewing your payments – if we think you’ve made a mistake, if we think there is something wrong with a payment from your plan, or if you are part of a random review
- what information we’d like to get from you and how you can provide it to us – this might be by emailing us, or uploading documents to the portal or app, such as copies of your receipts, invoices, bank statements or payroll records
- how the supports you’ve purchased are in line with your plan and that they are NDIS supports – this might be by providing evidence you have, or through conversations about how you use the supports you’ve purchased.
You’ll be given time to collect your records and submit them to us. The letter or email will include a due date and the contact details of the person completing the review. You’ll be able to contact them throughout the review.
If there is no valid evidence or records for claims, we may cancel outstanding payments or raise a debt that you’ll need to pay back. We may also limit your ability to self-manage your plan in the future.