SDA Pricing Review Terms of Reference released
The SDA Pricing Review Terms of Reference have been released.
They are available on our SDA Pricing Review page where all future updates will be published.
Annual Pricing Review 2021-22
The NDIA Board is currently considering the information that has been gathered and analysis undertaken through the Annual Pricing Review.
The Board’s decisions on the pricing arrangements for next financial year will be announced as soon as possible.
As is the case each year, the final price limits for many supports for the coming year cannot be determined until the Fair Work Commission has completed its Annual Wage Review.
Given the significant disruption that many providers have faced over the last two years because of the pandemic, the Agency has decided to extend the transitional arrangements for group based core supports until 30 June 2023.
A significant number of providers have already transitioned to the new group pricing arrangements.
The Agency will be actively working with those providers who have not yet transitioned to assist them to make the transition within the next twelve months.
Following the Fair Work Commission’s annual minimum wage decision, we will release the Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23 and Support Catalogue in June 2022.
Throughout this process we will deliver updates and recommendations to the NDIA’s Board The earliest implementation of any new arrangements will be from 1 July 2022.
More information about the Annual Pricing Review 2021-22 is available.
Review of the Specific Underlying Assumptions within the Pricing Methodology for Specialist Disability Accommodation
The NDIA is bringing forward commencement of the Review of the Specific Underlying Assumptions within the Pricing Methodology for Specialist Disability Accommodation (‘SDA Pricing Review’).
Under the Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing and Payments Framework, the NDIA is required to undertake a review every five years of the specific underlying assumptions within the pricing methodology for Specialist Disability Accommodation. Updated prices are to take effect from 1 July of the review year.
The SDA Pricing Review was scheduled to take place through the first half of 2023. Following consultations with the SDA sector about the need for certainty for planning capital investment, the NDIA is bringing forward the commencement of the SDA Pricing Review, with consultation on the terms of reference commencing with the SDA Reference Group in April 2022
This early commencement is intended to allow the NDIA to announce the outcomes of the SDA Pricing Review ideally before the end of 2022, which will support investor and market confidence . Any changes from the SDA Pricing Review will still only come into effect from 1 July 2023.
The NDIA will undertake this review through engagement with the NDIA SDA Reference Group.
Further information, including the timeline for the SDA Pricing Review and the terms of reference, will be shared in future updates to this webpage.