Victoria-based NDIS Partners in the Community Link Health and Community (Link) and Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS) have decided to merge.
This is a private arrangement between the two organisations and commenced from 1 July 2020.
The NDIA has approved the transfer of Link’s current Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) operations to Latrobe Community Health Service.
The NDIA is working closely with both organisations to ensure continuity of service for children and families living in these areas.
Like Link, LCHS is an existing NDIS Partner and already delivers Local Area Coordination (LAC) services in the same catchment as Link’s ECEI services, as well as ECEI services in Wimmera and Central Highlands.
The NDIA is confident that there will be minimal impact for children and families due to the merger, as office sites and Link staffing members have remained in place.
We look forward to working closely with Latrobe Community Health Service to ensure continuity of service for children and families in the region.