You will need to know your plan well when self-managing your NDIS funding.
This includes knowing what supports your plan includes and how you can budget for your supports over the full length of your plan.
Once your NDIS plan is approved, you can see your plan and support budgets online using the my NDIS participant portal, myplace portal, or my NDIS app. You’ll also get a copy of your plan in the mail.
Your NDIS plan is divided into two parts: a statement of your goals and aspirations, and then the statement of your supports.
Your statement of goals and aspirations has information about you, your situation and the goals you want to pursue.
Your statement of supports sets out the supports we funded in your plan. It includes your approved supports and your goals. All supports included in your plan must meet the NDIS funding criteria .
Support budgets
NDIS plans can include 4 different types of support budgets:
1. Core supports
Supports for everyday activities.
2. Capacity building supports
Supports to help you build your skills and increase your independence.
3. Capital supports
Supports such as assistive technology, vehicle modifications, home modifications and specialist disability accommodation.
4. Recurring supports
Supports which are paid by the NDIS regularly.
Your NDIS plan may also include:
- Funding component amounts – funding for a specific support or group of reasonable and necessary supports.
- Funding periods – the time that a part of your funding becomes available and how long it needs to last. You can spend up to the amount of funding that’s available in that time. Funding periods can be for the total funding amount of your plan or for each funding component amount in your plan.
You can learn more about the support budgets here or in Factsheet: Using your NDIS plan.
Support categories
The support budgets include different support categories. Your plan might include funding in one, or more support categories.
This will depend on your individual needs and may change each time you get a new plan.
You’ll need to show which support category you’re claiming from when you make claims in the portal and my NDIS app.
Learn more about the support categories.
NDIS supports listed in your plan as fixed or stated are not flexible. This means funding has been allocated for a specific NDIS support or service and can’t be used for anything else.
A support in your plan can be listed as in-kind. This means the service has already been paid for by your state, territory, or the Australian government.
When you use an in-kind support, the existing provider will deliver these supports.
You won't need to pay for them with funding from your NDIS plan.
A support in your plan can be listed as quote required.
This means you will need to give us with extra information, like quotes or specialist reports, before we can include funding in your plan.
When we approve the quote, that sets the maximum price you can pay for this support.
Supports you can only buy from a registered provider
You can only buy the following supports from a provider registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission :
- specialist disability accommodation
- specialist behaviour support services that provide behaviour support assessment or develop a behaviour support plan
- any support where the provider is likely to, or may need to, use a restrictive practice. A restrictive practice is any practice a provider uses that restricts the rights or freedom of movement of a person.
Your my NDIS contact will discuss these supports with you if you need them.
You can find more information about behaviour support and restrictive practices on the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website.