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  • Media statements
Today, 22 August 2024, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 was passed by the Parliament. The Bill provides the framework to deliver on the NDIS Review’s vision to restore the NDIS to its original intent and deliver better outcomes for Australians with permanent and significant disability within a broader ecosystem of supports. Some of these changes will take time to develop together with people with disability but, once implemented, participants will experience the benefits.
  • News
The Australian Parliament has approved changes to NDIS legislation. This means there will be some changes to how the NDIS works, starting from 3 October 2024. There has been a lot of talk about the changes and what they mean – in the community, in the media and probably among your family and friends too. I know for some people change can cause uncertainty, so we want to keep you informed about the changes and what they mean for you. I want to reassure you that for most people, not much will change about the way you experience the NDIS now. You will start to see more practical changes when we start to transition to the new planning framework later next year. The NDIA will support you through the changes every step of the way. We’ll tell you before things change, and what you need to do. One thing I want to be clear about is the purpose of the NDIS will not change. It will continue to provide NDIS participants with disability related supports.
  • Media release from the Minister
The Australian Government is progressing a new registration system for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that will better support participants through stronger regulation of providers. The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce (the Taskforce) recently provided advice to the Government on the design and implementation of a new regulatory model. The Taskforce, led by prominent human rights lawyer, Natalie Wade, was established in February 2024 to provide independent advice on the design and implementation of the new graduated risk-proportionate regulatory model proposed in the NDIS Review.
  • News
On 5 September 2024, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 received Royal Assent. This means the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament – the law.