Latest news

The NDIA continually engage participants, providers and investors on matters relating to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) market. In our role as market steward, we are committed to providing clarity about policies and processes to support development of the SDA sector.
The National Provider Forum webinar on Tuesday 24 April will deliver information and insights about the role of Providers in the growing NDIS market.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has engaged Serco Citizen Services Pty Ltd (Serco) as its service delivery partner for contact centre services in a two year contract. Serco will be operating the NDIA contact centre services out of locations in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Explore the communique from the Mental Health Sector Reference Group's April 2018 meeting, including the national consultations on the experience of the NDIS for people with psychosocial disability.