Home and living consultation summary report

We are pleased to share with you the results of our recent Home and Living consultation.

Over a 12 week period earlier this year, we asked you to provide feedback on:

  • how you want to live 
  • what kind of supports help you live more independently
  • the challenges you face in achieving your home and living goals 
  • how to support you to build your decision-making capability.

We received 143 written submissions and 304 online survey responses. We also held a number of engagement activities including:

  • 5 online community information sessions
  • 22 sessions with individual participants and nominees
  • 7 focus groups with members of the Participant First Engagement Initiative
  • 12 provider workshops 
  • 21 stakeholder meetings and forums.

We asked you to make submissions in ways that worked for you. Some of the responses we received included video and audio uploads and links, direct email correspondence, creative responses (for example sharing poems), and one-on-one conversations.

Through the consultation we identified a number of themes:

  • you want to better understand how the vision aligns with the way we are currently managing home and living
  • you want the NDIA to take a more active role in improving access to affordable and accessible housing
  • you support the introduction of more flexible budgets to spend on home and living supports in ways that matter to you 
  • you want more information and clarity on how to protect participants from conflicts of interest 
  • you want more options to try innovative and creative home and living supports.

We are very grateful to everyone that took the time to provide feedback. 

Your feedback has been published in a post-consultation summary report linked below, which is also available in EasyRead and Auslan. We will also run a series of community information sessions in early 2022 to answer your questions about the consultation process and provide more information on next steps.

Read the consultation summary report

Read individual submissions

We have also published individual submissions, where consent was provided. Read the individual submissions.

The release of this feedback is part of our ongoing commitment to NDIS participants, providers and the disability sector for greater transparency.

Next steps

In 2022, we will start a co-design process to:

  • build on the feedback we have already received through these consultations
  • confirm a strong and shared understanding of the challenges and barriers participants, nominees and providers experience in relation to home and living, and work towards solutions
  • design a new policy and implementation plan for home and living 

We are still working with disability community stakeholders on the approach we should take for co-design. We will continue to provide status updates on our co-design work on the NDIS website and social media channels. 

We will also continue to work closely with the Independent Advisory Council, the Home and Living sub-group and the Disability Representatives and Carers Organisation Forum to make sure we get things right.

You may also be interested in reading more about our Home and Living research program, including the latest research we commissioned from the University of Sydney that looks at what might help people with disability to move from institutional care, group homes or congregate care to more individualised living arrangements.

If you have any questions about the consultation or the submissions we have published, please email [email protected].

This page current as of
19 January 2022
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